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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 13

  “How is he?” Miguel demanded.

  “There was lots of blood. He was shot twice. Once in the shoulder and the other in the belly region,” Longoria replied.

  Miguel’s stomach clenched. Gut shots were iffy. He paced back and forth.

  “How did this happen? He was only going for liquor,” Miguel cried.

  “He walked in on a hold up. The fucker was flighty and just pulled the trigger,” Ramirez said behind him.

  Miguel looked at him. “You were there?”

  “I got the call. I’m sorry, Miguel,” Ramirez said.

  Miguel nodded. He looked around, realizing the ER was filled with cops, firefighters, and so on. He was overwhelmed.

  “What are they saying? What’s going on?” Miguel turned to Longoria.

  He started registering the blood on Longoria’s clothes. Robert’s blood. He closed his eyes and swayed. Arms came around his waist. He opened his eyes and met the sympathetic gaze of his brothers. His throat got tight. His Mami and Papi came to stand in front of him.

  “It’ll be okay, bambino,” his mom said gently.

  “I have to see how Robert is, Mami,” he replied.

  “I’ll go and check,” a voice offered.

  Miguel glanced at Alejandro, his big brother, who was a doctor in this hospital and would get more information than Miguel would. Alejandro patted Miguel’s shoulder, then went to the doors and inside. Miguel’s other brothers led him to the chairs. He sat, and someone gave him a cup of coffee. Long hours passed, and no word came.

  “Oh my fucking God,” Tomas said.

  “Miguel Rodriguez?” a deep voice said.

  Miguel looked up, up, and up. His eyes widened as he took in the giant before him. The man hauled him up out of the chair like he weighed nothing. Probably to this giant, he did weigh nothing.

  “You let Squeak get hurt.” The giant shook him.

  “What? Who….” Miguel stammered.

  His brothers and cousins came to help, but were stopped by the other giant men with the one holding him.

  The man shook him again, growling.

  “Aristotle, put him down. Now,” a woman’s voice said.

  The giant dropped him. Miguel grunted in shock, then winced as his ass hit the ground. He popped up and watched the man warily. This massive man was Robert’s brother. Studying him now, he could see the family resemblance. The man’s features were more rugged, but he had the same blond hair and blue eyes. They were narrowed. Another giant stepped next to him.

  “Explain.” The other giant reached out to grab Miguel.

  Miguel knocked his hands away. His arms vibrated as if they’d met steel.

  “Lawrence. Don’t make me beat you,” the same female voice said.

  “Yes, Ma,” the man replied, glaring at Miguel.

  Lawrence shifted, and Miguel looked down. The pint-sized woman reminded him of his Mami. He knew it was Robert’s mother. She looked just like him. Her lips quivered as she rushed to him. He opened his arms and hugged her. The giant men around him growled. Miguel looked back defiantly. He counted Robert’s four brothers and the man he assumed was Robert’s father. They were huge. Miguel was tall, but they made him feel like a pipsqueak. He remembered the name they called Robert. Squeak. Probably short for Pipsqueak. He couldn’t wait to tease Robert about it.

  If I get to. Tears started to fill his eyes.

  An arm touched his shoulder. Miguel glanced up at Aristotle, who squeezed his shoulder. Aristotle gently helped his mother and Miguel sit. He stepped back and, along with his brothers and their dad, leaned against the wall. Another arm came over his shoulder. Miguel looked up, meeting even more red-rimmed, pale-gray eyes. He turned, leaned against Alex, and they held each other and Robert’s mother as they waited to hear about Robert.

  LAUGHING, ROBERT hung up the phone. Miguel was a wicked man. But he loved that about him. Whistling, he pushed open the door, thoughts of what he would do to Miguel when he got home filling his mind. The silence registered first. He noted the frightened face of the clerk and the others in the store. He took a step back. The man wielding the gun turned to him.

  Run. Run, his mind screamed, but his body would not agree. The gun was turned on him. He put up his hand. In seconds that seemed like hours, he saw the jerk of the gun; then the bullet hit him, making him spin. The next one caught him low, and he gasped clutching at his belly, falling to his knees. A boom sounded, and the gunman dropped to the ground. Rapid footsteps approached him.

  “Are you okay, sir? Fuck. Robin?” Ramirez’s face appeared before him.

  “Ramirez, I’ve been shot.” Robert’s voice was slurred.

  “I know, Robin. Hang in there. Help is on the way.” Hands laid him down.

  Woozy, he saw some of the officers he knew from being with Miguel.

  Oh my God. Miguel. Blackness started to fill his vision.

  “Call Miguel.” He wanted to yell, but it came out weak.

  “Miguel,” he wheezed, then gripped Ramirez’s arm.

  “We’ll call Miguel. Save your strength, Robin.” Ramirez looked at him and nodded.

  He pushed down on the wound. Robert roared and tried to buck him off. Ramirez held firm, his look grim. Robert whimpered, fighting nausea and struggling to remain conscious.

  “Get the fuck off me,” he wheezed.

  “Now, now, Robin. None of that.” Longoria sounded cheerful.

  Longoria’s grinning face came into his view. Robert frowned. Longoria started poking at him.

  “Stop that. I’ve been shot.”

  “I know,” Longoria replied cheerfully.

  He finished his exam and exchanged a look with Ramirez. It frightened him.

  “I’m not going to die,” Robert cried.

  “Not on my watch.” Longoria grinned at him.

  He knew it was false. “Miguel,” he wheezed.

  “Someone is calling him,” Longoria said.

  “No. I want you to call. Tell him I’m not dying.” Robert gripped his arm.

  “Okay. First let us get you on the way to the hospital.” Longoria nodded.

  They rolled him, and Robert screamed as pain assaulted him. Longoria swore, then started barking orders.

  Don’t let me die. Miguel. Blackness claimed him.

  “MIGUEL,” ROBERT moaned, eyes flashing open.

  He struggled, crying. Pain made him gasp. He gripped the sheet. Sheet? Where was he?

  The most wonderful voice came from beside him. “Hey, none of that. You’ll undo all the work the doctors did.”

  “Miguel.” He glanced at Miguel’s haggard face.

  “Yes, querido. I’m here.” Miguel stroked his hair.

  “I was shot,” he said, frowning.

  “Yes, baby. You were. But you’re going to be okay,” Miguel replied.

  “I’m not dying?” he asked, afraid.

  “No, querido. Not today. You’re staying right here with me.” Miguel grinned.

  “Ohhh… good. Don’t want to leave you.”

  “Me either, baby.”

  “What did the doc say?”

  “You were shot in the shoulder, and your lung was nicked. It’ll take a little bit of time, but you’ll heal.”

  Robert studied Miguel’s espresso eyes and saw the truth of what he said.

  “Okay.” Sleep tugged at him.

  “Your family’s here.”

  “They are?” He smiled at the tone in Miguel’s voice. “Told you I was the black sheep.”

  “Sheep, hell. Your dad and brothers are huge. No wonder they moved your furniture so easily.” Miguel’s tone was awed.

  Robert laughed, then groaned.

  “No laughing for you, Squeak,” Miguel teased.

  “Uh-uh. No Squeak.” Robert groaned again at hearing the nickname his brothers called him.

  “I like it. That’s all I’m gonna call you.”

  “Don’t make me beat you.” He opened his eyes and glared at Miguel.

  “Get better, ba
by, and you can. All you want.”

  Making a sound of agreement, Robert closed his eyes.

  “Your family will be staying to help with your recovery. Mine will too. Did you know some of your brothers are relocating?”

  “Law and Aristotle mentioned they were thinking about it.”

  “Well, they decided to. Since I can’t protect you.” Miguel sounded exasperated.

  “Come here, honey,” Robert said.

  He opened his eyes, and Miguel leaned over him. “I’ll convince them otherwise,” Robert said. “You are there for me in every way.”

  “I know, querido. I don’t think it will work, telling them no. Something tells me they’re stubborn. Like someone I know.”

  “Yeah. If they want to move, fine, but no interfering with mi amante.” Robert snorted, then moaned.

  “Shh… you have to be careful. You’ll be in pain a bit. They wanted you to wake up a little first before they give you some good drugs.” Miguel chuckled, then continued. “Lawrence is already talking with Alex about real estate. Your mom is upset to be losing two more of her boys to the evil West coast.”

  “Dad will talk to her,” Robert said.

  “Yeah, he looks like he can convince her. My mom talked to her and let her know she would mother her boys for her. Alex, Bernie, and my family are outside, and when you’re up to it, they’ll come in. There are also cops, firefighters, some of your students and fellow professors from the school. Ramirez wants to see your scar when it heals. I told him he could forget it.”

  Robert laughed, then groaned. “Ramirez is delusional. He helped save me until Longoria got there. Maybe I should flash him,” Robert teased.

  Miguel growled, and Robert grinned.

  “That’s a lot of people.”

  “You’re loved, querido. Extremely loved by all of us.” Miguel’s voice was thick.

  Ignoring the pain, Robert reached and cupped his cheek.

  “I love you, honey.”

  “Love you, mi querido.” Miguel’s eyes got damp.


  “Yes, querido,” Miguel replied.

  “Go get me some good drugs. I hurt.”

  “I’ll take care of it, baby. I’ll take care of you,” Miguel promised.

  He closed his eyes, appreciating that he was alive. Sleep overcame him.

  “WHAT ARE you doing cooking? You can’t be shimmying like that,” Miguel said angrily.

  Robert sighed and rolled his eyes. It had been weeks since his injury, and Miguel was driving him out of his mind. He was coddling him. When they first got home, he had accepted it. He was too weak to do anything else. He had thought having his mother was bad, at least until Miguel’s mom arrived. The two women had smothered him with care. Heck, after his family left, he had even agreed to have one of Miguel’s family with him whenever Miguel went out, whether to work or run errands.

  He had finally convinced Miguel’s mom to back off, that he was fine. His family had gone back home, and Miguel’s mom had understood he needed to do things for himself. She had convinced the rest of the family. All except for his lover, who still insisted someone from his family be with Robert if he wasn’t. To placate him, Miguel’s family had been coming over, leaving when he went to work, then coming back in time for when he was due home. If it was errands, then they stayed until he got back. Today, Robert had had enough. He was going to convince his hardheaded lover he was fine.

  “It’s been weeks. Weeks, Miguel. I’m feeling fine.” He shimmied again, still stirring the pot on the stove.

  He ignored the twinges in his shoulder and the scar on his side. Miguel’s steps echoed behind him. Miguel snatched the spoon away from him.

  “Hey!” Robert protested.

  “Go sit,” Miguel ordered, pointing a finger at the chair at the table.

  Robert sighed and went over to the table. He watched Miguel’s firm ass as he stirred the pot. He drummed his fingers on the table. The worst part of all this was that Miguel hadn’t touched him since he was shot. He knew it wasn’t because he didn’t want to. Robert had felt Miguel’s erection pressed against him when they slept together. Whenever he made a move, Miguel mumbled he didn’t want to hurt him. It was time for some tough seduction. Miguel served up the spaghetti and brought it to the table. He put a plate in front of Robert and kissed his forehead. Miguel put his own close to where he sat. He got drinks out of the fridge, setting one before Robert. Miguel sat, then started to eat. Robert decided to wait until after dinner to talk with Miguel.

  “How was your day?” Robert asked, starting to eat.

  Miguel smiled and started to relate a tale about what had happened. He was chuckling and eating. Robert left Miguel to clean up instead of fighting with him about it. Hopefully, after tonight, it would be solved. He went up the stairs to their bedroom. If Miguel followed his pattern of late, he would take a shower in the downstairs bath before coming to bed. Robert knew it was so he could jerk off and Robert wouldn’t hear. His lover thought he was being considerate, but it was pissing Robert off. Robert stripped and got into bed. He started to stroke his cock while he waited for Miguel.

  “Hey, querido. We can watch a movie. Wh….” Miguel trailed off as he came into the bedroom.

  He licked his lips and gulped.

  “Only movie I want is a move of you, in me. Now.”

  “We can’t, baby. I don—”

  “If you say hurt me, I’m gonna hurt you,” Robert growled.

  Miguel looked shocked. Robert got off the bed and walked over to him. Robert poked Miguel in the chest as he spoke.

  “I want my lover back. Stop this mother-henning crap before I beat it out of you,” he threatened.

  “Please, querido. You won’t hurt me.” Miguel laughed.

  Robert growled. Damn him for being right. Changing tactics, he backed away. He walked backward to the bed.

  “Miguel, I was shot, but I’m healed now. I want you.” Robert stopped.

  “I almost lost you, querido. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Ah, honey. You didn’t. I’m here.” Robert’s heart softened.

  Miguel looked away, then back. “I know, but I could have.”

  “If we worry about what could happen, we’ll never live.” Robert put out his hand. “I’m here, honey, and I want to fuck. Fuck, and be glad I’m alive to do it.”

  Miguel stared at him for a long moment. A wicked grin curved his lips and came into his eyes. Robert’s pulse raced at the look he hadn’t seen in weeks: his lover wanting to fuck him raw. Miguel pulled off the towel from around his waist, then stalked across the room. He moved like a predator. Miguel came right up to him, rubbing his chest against Robert’s. He whimpered. Miguel purred. The sound drove him crazy.

  “Lie down,” Miguel commanded.

  The hard tone caused his cock to harden even more, and pre-come spilled from the tip. It was Miguel’s I’m-going-to-drive-you-out-of-your-mind voice. Robert lay down, scooting to the head of the bed. He moved the lube he had put on the bed earlier. Miguel crawled up the bed in between his legs.

  He growled, then in one move, sucked Robert into his mouth. Robert screamed and dropped his head back against the pillow. Miguel showed no mercy, sucking his hard cock. He swirled his tongue, then set his teeth against the head of Robert’s shaft, just the way he liked it. Miguel waved his hand. Robert handed him the lube. Still sucking him, Miguel prepared him for his taking. Robert closed his eyes, arched, as his release rushed to overcome him.

  Miguel withdrew from his erection, clamping his hand around the base of his cock.

  “Uh-uh, not yet,” he said darkly.

  “Please…. Please….” Robert slammed his fist against the bed.

  Miguel held him until the burning need abated. He released him, and Robert felt the bed shift. He opened his eyes. Robert whimpered. Miguel braced himself on his legs, finger-fucking his hole. He moaned wantonly and watched him from under lowered lids, fucking himself on his fingers.

p; “Oh, God,” Robert whispered.

  “No. Miguel,” he replied, impaling himself on Robert’s raging erection.

  Robert roared as Miguel’s hot crease clamped around his cock. Miguel placed his hands on Robert’s chest, moving up and down fast. Whimpering, Robert gasped for breath. He wasn’t going to last. Miguel’s hot hole clutched his cock, silken heat swallowing him. Miguel clenched. Robert screamed, going over the edge. He shuddered uncontrollably through his orgasm.

  Miguel came off his body, grabbed his legs, spread him wide, and thrust into him. Robert gripped his arms. Miguel’s muscles flexed as he stroked into Robert.

  “Mine, querido,” Miguel puffed.

  “You… yours, honey,” Robert wailed.

  Miguel pegged his gland. He hit it over and over again. Miguel braced his hand over his head, pumping his hips. Robert moaned at the sweet burn of his ass. He clenched his ass in time with Miguel’s thrusts. Miguel growled and continued to plow into his hole. His strokes became urgent, and then he shivered as he came. Wetness flooded Robert. He moaned and clutched at Miguel’s arms. Miguel’s thrusts didn’t slow, and he didn’t soften. Robert’s eyes widened.

  “I’m gonna be at this all night, querido. All night long. Fuck you through the mattress.” He punctuated each word with a thrust.

  Miguel grinned wickedly and fucked him harder.

  “Give it to me, papá de miel,” Robert replied.

  Miguel’s eyes darkened, and he thrust harder, moving him up the bed. Robert braced his hands against the headboard and pushed down against him. He looked deep into chocolate eyes and grinned. He would be walking funny for a few days, but he didn’t care. His lover was back, and the mother hen was gone. He licked along Miguel’s chest to his neck, nibbling. He bucked as Miguel’s fat cock rubbed across his gland.

  Long into the night, Miguel kept his promise and fucked him through the mattress. Robert enjoyed living.

  ROBERT DROVE down the street, happiness filling him. He was back at work, Miguel was his honey again, and it was Thursday, which meant he and Miguel had two days off together. Life was good. He glanced at the clock in the dash, hoping he would make it home by the time he set. He had something special planned for Miguel. Glancing up, Robert realized the light was yellow. It was too late to stop, so he gunned the engine and flew through the now-red light.