Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Read online

Page 17

  “Calm down, Ramirez.”

  “He cursed at me. Then that little fucker hung up on me. Eight times,” Ramirez growled.

  “Well, did you ever think to stop calling?” Tomas asked reasonably.

  Ramirez glared. “Open the door, or I’ll kick it down.”

  “It’s probably already open.” Tomas opened the unlocked door and strode in.

  “He doesn’t even lock his door? You need to get control of your man.”

  “He’s not my man,” Tomas snapped.

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Ramirez retorted.

  Tomas went into the living room. Not seeing anyone, he went to the kitchen.

  “Where the hell did they go?” Ramirez grumbled.

  “I don’t know. Maybe they went out.” Tomas went back into the hall.

  “I hear something in the back.”

  “That’s the master bedroom,” Tomas said, heading that way.

  He pushed open the door. Glancing in, he frowned. Bernie and Alex, with Harper in the middle, lay in the bed, cuddled up together.

  “What the hell?” Ramirez asked, trying to push past him.

  Tomas pushed him out, closing the door. Ramirez pushed against him. Tomas shoved him back, herding him back down the hall. They strained as they scuffled. Ramirez finally reached the door, and Tomas got in front of him, pushing at Ramirez’s barrel chest.

  “Stop. Don’t go busting in there like an ass. You know what Harper said. Hell, Bernie too.” Tomas grunted as he held Ramirez back.

  “He shouldn’t be in bed with him,” Ramirez growled.

  “You can trust Bernie and A—”

  Ramirez interrupted. “Not him. That Alex. I see how he acts around everyone. Always touchy-feely.”

  “You never had a problem with it before. Usually, you laugh it off and grope him. Thought you all were cool.” Tomas raised an eyebrow.

  “We are, but he still shouldn’t be in bed with Harper. He’s vulnerable right now. Doesn’t know what he’s doing,” Ramirez grumbled.

  Tomas released him, since Ramirez had stopped trying to push past him. Ramirez leaned on the wall next to the door, running his hand through his hair. Tomas studied him. The usually affable Ramirez looked frazzled and out of sorts. Lines of strain were on his face.

  “What’s really going on? Why haven’t you or Harper been coming to the poker games or other things?”

  “It’s Harper’s choice. And I’ve been keeping close to keep his family”—there was a sneer in his tone—“from taking advantage of him. Ever since Karl died, they’ve moved into Harper’s house. They’ve taken over. And Harper doesn’t even care that they have. He’s just going through the motions and letting them have their way. Karl wouldn’t have stood for it. Hell, the old Harper wouldn’t have either.” Ramirez sighed.

  “It’ll take time for him to get back on his feet. Give him time. He doesn’t need you hovering.” Tomas put his hand on Ramirez’s shoulder, squeezing it.

  “I’m all he’s got to stand between him and that family of his,” Ramirez defended.

  “He doesn’t need a keeper. He needs a friend,” Tomas said.

  “Like you and Bernie? Don’t talk when you’re doing the same thing,” Ramirez sneered.

  “What do Bernie and I have to do with this?” Tomas withdrew his hand, frowning.

  “You act like Bernie’s keeper, but he doesn’t need one. Hell, with the stipend he got this year, he doesn’t need to ‘cook’”—Ramirez made quotation signs with his fingers—“for you anymore. You can give up the pretense of not being able to cook. Just come clean and fuck him already.”

  “I don’t want to fuck Bernie,” Tomas insisted.

  Ramirez looked at him in disbelief. “You really have no clue. Even with the dance, where you all almost humped each other on the floor.”

  “Miguel talks too much,” Tomas growled.

  “Hell, I didn’t hear it from him first. Alejandro told me. Then my phone blew up with calls from everyone else. It was the talk of the crew. And, of course, now there’s a bet.”

  “You take such pleasure in telling me that. What? You plan on winning this one too, like the one with Miguel and Robert?” Tomas said.

  “What can I say? I’m lucky.” Ramirez smiled slyly.

  “Why does everyone assume there’s something more between Bernie and me than what it is?” Tomas frowned.

  “You really are oblivious.” Ramirez looked baffled.

  Tomas said firmly. “The kid is nice enough, but he’s just Bernie.”

  “He’s not a kid. You two are already like a couple. The only thing you’re not doing is fucking.”

  “That’s not true. We’re not like a couple.”

  Ramirez ticked off his fingers with each point. “Let us count the ways. One, you all buy groceries together. Two, he cooks said groceries for you. Three, you take showers here when you come to dinner. Four, you wash his clothes. Five, when you all are hanging out with the crew, you come together, with you driving. Six, he even goes to family dinner with you. Sounds like being a couple to me. Hell, if I could find me a woman to cook like Bernie does for you, I would marry her.”

  “We shop for groceries together because he cooks for me. Which he does because… well, that doesn’t matter. I clean up here because if I come from a job, I smell bad. I wash his clothes since he cooks and to save him money since I have a washer and dryer in my house. If we’re going out with the crew, it makes sense to go together to save gas. As for family dinner, he came so Mami could feed him, and I can’t not bring him. The family would kill me,” Tomas said, defending himself.

  Ramirez shook his head. “My God. You really are oblivious.”

  “You too. You have someone who does all the same things you claim Bernie does for me.”

  “This isn’t about me and Harper. And he’s my friend. I don’t go that way,” Ramirez growled.

  “Now who’s oblivious?” Tomas asked.

  “Shut the hell up.” Ramirez straightened, getting in his face.

  Tomas put his hand up, stepping back. “Okay.”

  “Harper needs me to be his friend,” Ramirez growled.

  “Okay,” Tomas said.

  “Worry about you and Bernie, and what you’re going to do about what’s between you two,” Ramirez said.

  “There’s nothing there but friendship.”

  “Who’re you trying to convince, me or yourself?” Ramirez snorted.

  “No convincing needed. What’s the stakes and rules of this bet?” Tomas asked.

  “A hundred. Who will make the first move, and by when.”

  “What did you bet?”

  “On you making a move by tomorrow.”

  “Huh. Why’d you pick that?” Tomas queried.

  “Because if you don’t wake up and make a move by then, you won’t,” Ramirez said.

  Tomas pulled out his wallet and handed him a hundred.

  “So, you’re making a move tomorrow. More money for me.” Ramirez rubbed his hands together.

  “No money for you. That’s to bet on never,” Tomas replied.

  “You’ll just hold out to make all of us lose, you stubborn bastard.” Ramirez frowned.

  “Oh, yeah. There’s nothing between me and the kid.” Tomas smiled.

  “He’s not a kid. Or an obligation. He’s a man, one who sooner or later will make your stubborn ass see he’s more than that.” Ramirez grunted, slapping Tomas on the shoulder.

  “The same goes for you. Harper doesn’t need you treating him like a child,” Tomas said.

  “Harper doesn’t know what he needs,” Ramirez growled.

  “And you do?” Bernie’s voice asked.

  Tomas shifted, looking at him.

  “I know more than you do. Who the fuck do you think you are, hanging up on me?” Ramirez went over to Bernie, getting in his face.

  “I know he doesn’t want to be treated like he’s motherfucking broken,” Bernie growled low.

  “You don’
t know shit,” Ramirez gritted out.

  Tomas started over, but stopped, eyes wide, as Bernie pushed Ramirez while he spoke.

  “I know more than you. You’re so busy treating him like an obligation, you don’t—no, won’t—let him breathe. He needs that to find his feet again and learn to live without Provenza.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to help him do,” Ramirez said.

  “No, you’re not. You’re smothering him. Back off,” Bernie hissed.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Ramirez crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, really?” Bernie smiled, a nasty curl of his lips. “You might think you own the world. Well, you can control some people, but not me, and not Harper. Let the man have some say. Stop being an ass and controlling everything. He’s not an obligation.” Bernie pushed Ramirez back with each word. “He’s a person who needs a friend, not a keeper.”

  Tomas opened the front door and stepped out of the way. Bernie pushed Ramirez out the door. He glanced at Tomas, his pale green eyes fierce.

  “I’ll see you for poker tomorrow. Now, get out,” Bernie growled.

  “I’m going. You really should lock your door.” Tomas smiled, going out the door.

  “I will from now on, to keep some folks out.” Bernie glared at a sputtering Ramirez. Then he slammed the door in their faces.

  Tomas started to laugh. He had never seen Bernie pissed before. As he’d cursed Ramirez, a blush reddened his cheeks, while his voice became a deep growl. It was entertaining watching him manhandle Ramirez out the door.

  “You need to check your man,” Ramirez said.

  “The kid isn’t, and never will be, my man. I’m putting my money on it. You’re gonna lose that bet. Boy, that kid sure told you. Wish I had it on tape.” Tomas smirked.

  “He’s not a kid. More like a typhoon. Never knew he had such a temper.” Ramirez scowled.

  The lights on the porch turned off. Tomas laughed again and turned to Ramirez.

  “Come on. Let’s go before he calls the police.”

  “I am the police!” Ramirez cried.

  “And you don’t want your fellow officers to come find you here on this porch, then have to explain why you didn’t leave when asked.”

  “He wouldn’t call the cops,” Ramirez scoffed.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure of that. The kid seems to be doing a few things we don’t expect. Bernard is turning out to be more than he portrays.” Tomas looked at the closed door.

  Chapter Three

  TOMAS OBSERVED Bernie as he laughed with Robert and Alex. Bernie glanced back at him and blushed, looking away. Tomas raised his beer to his lips to hide his smile. Since he had picked Bernie up for the poker game, Bernie had been acting all nervous. He’d caught Bernie four times to keep him from falling, and that was just leaving the condo. Bernie’s clumsiness had shown Tomas something else about who he was coming to realize was a complicated man. He thought back to all the times Bernie had seemed to fall over his own feet. In each instance, it was when Bernie had seemed nervous. He didn’t even think Bernie realized it. And Tomas was going to keep that little tidbit of info to himself.

  “Are you ready to play, or are you gonna ogle Bernie all night?” A hand rested on his shoulder.

  “Just waiting my turn,” Tomas replied.

  Turning his attention from Bernie, he glanced at Alejandro, his oldest brother. Spotting his other brothers crowding around him, and a few of his cousins, Tomas stifled a groan.

  “Come on.” Alejandro made a gesture with his head while shifting his hold on his shoulder.

  Tomas found himself being led to the kitchen with his brothers falling in behind him. He shrugged out of Alejandro’s hold and walked over to the island, standing between Miguel and Hector. Tomas pushed his shoulder first against Miguel, then Hector. Both were sitting at the island.

  “Hiding out in here waiting for the interrogation to start?” Tomas asked.

  “More like Alejandro telling us to sit here and don’t interfere.” Hector laughed.

  “Since it’s his house, we decided to humor him.” Miguel rolled his eyes.

  “I’m the oldest, so I get to do what I want. Right, little bros and cuzes?” Alejandro raised an eyebrow and leaned against the other side of the counter.

  “Sure” and “whatever” echoed throughout the room. Then they all chuckled.

  Alejandro snorted. “I get no respect.”

  “Oh, you poor thing. Want a tissue?” Malik made a rude smacking sound with his lips.

  Alejandro made a swipe at Malik, but he danced out of the way. Alejandro shrugged, then turned his attention to Tomas.

  Tomas spoke before Alejandro could. “I know all about this bet, and there is nothing going on between me and the kid.”

  “Bernie isn’t a kid, no matter how much you try to use that to keep him at a distance.” Alejandro’s rich brown eyes, so much like Tomas’s, were patient.

  “I don’t do that. Calling him a kid is a term of affection. And I have no reason to keep him at a distance. Nothing is going on.” Tomas frowned.

  The men looked at each other, then back at Tomas. Alejandro had that smile on his face, the one that made him such a great doctor. It was his “I’m here with you, and will be here no matter what happens” smile. Tomas sighed and rubbed his fingers down the bridge of his nose.

  “Okay. You don’t have to worry. I’ll be careful and not get hurt.”

  “Hell, we’re not worried about you getting hurt. We want to ensure that if you do go there with Bernie, you don’t hurt him.”

  Tomas lowered his hand, looking at Alejandro in shock. He glanced at the other men, and they all nodded. Tomas couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “You all are warning me away from Bernie?” he asked in disbelief.

  “No. We’re warning you that if you do make a move, you better be sure about it,” Hector stated.

  “Really? ‘Make a move.’ Are you a teenager? Just say it. If you plan on fucking around with Bernie, literally and figuratively,” Malik said.

  “Christ, Malik. Can’t you say it better than that?” Miguel asked.

  Malik flipped him the bird. “You all are pussyfooting around it. Just be real.”

  They started to bicker. Tomas shook his head, stifling a laugh. His own family was more concerned about Bernie than him. A warm feeling filled him. He couldn’t even be mad. It showed they all already saw Bernie as family. He was already one of their own.

  “Shut up. You all are losing sight of what this is about. Tomas and Bernie.” Alejandro gestured to Tomas, and then the next room.

  Tomas put his arms on the island. “Look. There is nothing between me and Bernie. There never will be.” He was firm.

  “You really believe that, don’t you?” Alejandro studied him, and then he started to laugh.

  The other men in the room joined him. Tomas scowled, not understanding what was so funny. Alejandro sobered and shook his head. The others slowly stopped laughing.

  “He really has no idea,” Hector pointed out.

  “It’s his stubbornness. Once he makes up his mind, it takes a sledgehammer to the head to change it,” Malik added.

  “But once he does, he’s going to be all in,” Alejandro said.

  “As long as it’s not today. I can’t take Ramirez gloating if he wins another bet,” Miguel stated.

  “Can one of you start making sense?” Tomas growled.

  Alejandro looked at him, a soft smile on his face as he replied, “You have the same look Hector and Miguel had when they found Simon and Robert.”

  “You all need glasses.” Tomas snorted.

  The other men chuckled. Tomas flipped them off. Miguel shoved his shoulder, and Hector poked him in the side. Tomas swiped at them.

  “What the heck is going on here?” Robert demanded, entering the kitchen.

  “They’re probably warning Tomas to treat Bernie right. Well, that and waking his stubborn ass up that Bernie is not a kid,” Simo
n answered.

  Tomas glanced at the two men as they stood close to the door. Robert frowned at Simon.

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  Simon shrugged. “Once you’ve been in this crazy family long enough, you’ll get to know how these Neanderthals think.”

  “Maybe, but since Miguel and I have already had this conversation, and Miguel agreed not to get involved with whatever is going on between Bernie and Tomas, that can’t possibly be what’s going on. Right, Miguel?” Robert looked pointedly at Miguel.

  “Ahh… querido, would I do that?” Miguel asked as he stood and walked over to Robert.

  “Yes,” echoed around the room.

  “Traitors.” Miguel gave them all a dirty look.

  “Come on,” Robert growled.

  He grabbed Miguel’s hand and pulled him toward the back deck. The men standing between them and the door moved out of the way. Robert yanked the door open and pulled Miguel outside, closing it. Tomas shifted so he could get a better view out the bay window. He noted the others who couldn’t see out the window had shifted to get a view too. Robert paced back and forth as he talked and gestured. Miguel leaned against the railing.

  “How long you think Miguel is going to let him get worked up before he grabs him and kisses him?” Malik asked, sitting on the seat vacated by Miguel.

  “Right about… now,” Alejandro said.

  Miguel moved, snagging Robert’s arm. He tumbled him into his arms and kissed him. Even from here, Tomas could see the blush on Robert’s face. He seemed to relax against Miguel’s body. Miguel withdrew slowly from the kiss. He looked up at them and waved. Robert turned quickly. He flushed even redder and smacked Miguel, who was laughing hysterically. Robert stomped toward the door. He yanked it open.

  “Perverts,” Robert said.

  “Yep” and “proud of it” echoed through the room. Robert sighed, shaking his head.

  “You’ll get used to it. These Neanderthals behave like boys when they get around each other,” Simon said.

  Tomas looked at him. Simon was snuggled up against Hector.

  “God. Get a room already,” Tomas groaned.