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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 27
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Page 27
He hurried into the kitchen. He readied the drinks. Mixing the iced tea, he cut up some lemons and put them in the pitcher. Making some more fixes to the tray of snacks, he then put the tea on a tray, along with some cups and sodas. He looked around to see if there was anything else he needed. He would come back for the snacks. Carrying the drinks, he went back into the living room. Putting the tray down, he looked at Bur in question. He had on his jacket, with his duffel by his feet.
“Thanks for putting me up. Harper offered to let me stay with him for a bit.”
Bernie looked at Harper, shocked.
“I have the space,” Harper said.
They headed for the door. Bernie followed, trying to think of something to say. Harper went out and down the steps. Bur paused in the doorway.
“It’ll be okay. Harper needs me. I’ll be back for my things later,” Bur said.
Bernie’s gut clenched at the look in his eyes. It was the one that said he was about to create all sorts of mayhem. Bur winked and went down the stairs. He put his bag in Harper’s 4Runner, then went to his Harley. In a second, they were pulling out of the drive. As they disappeared from view, Bernie bit his lip. Grabbing his cell, he pressed a button. The other end was picked up immediately.
“Tomas… um… I think we have a problem.”
“Bernie, what’s wrong?” Tomas’s tone was sharp.
“Bur went to live with Harper.”
“What do you mean he went to live with Harper?” Tomas demanded.
“I went to the kitchen and came back. He had a bag and said he was going to live with Harper. And Harper just said he had the space,” Bernie said.
“Ah… Christ. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Tomas hung up.
Bernie rushed to get his shoes. He put them on and went outside to wait. Tomas drove up. He hurried down the steps and into the truck. Tomas pulled out.
“I called Ramirez. I hope we get there before him. He was livid. That’s all Harper needs… another body taking advantage of him.”
“Bur wouldn’t do that,” Bernie said.
“He’s only been here a week, and already he’s creating problems,” Tomas snarled.
Bernie didn’t say anything else. They arrived at Harper’s house not too long after. Ramirez screeched up. Tomas exited the car. Bernie rushed to follow them.
“Calm down, Ramirez.”
“Who is this fucker, thinking he could just move in with Harper? Hell, I didn’t even know Bernie had a brother. Now he has two, and this Bur sounds like a pain in the ass. How the fuck did you let this happen, Bernie?” Ramirez demanded.
Bernie opened his mouth.
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Tomas roared.
“He’s the reason that fucker is in there. I’m going to evict this fucker who is your brother.” Ramirez snarled.
He stomped up the walk. Bernie and Tomas followed him. The door opened before they could reach it. Harper’s family ran out, carrying their bags. When they spotted them, they stopped.
“Ramirez, he’s lost his mind. He threw us out,” Leroy, Harper’s brother, said.
“Seems like he found it to me,” Ramirez said.
“Damn right, I did. I don’t want to see any of you again!” Harper bellowed.
Bernie looked at him, shocked. His eyes narrowed as Bur came out and leaned next to the door.
“You. This is because of you!” Leroy snarled, rushing Bur.
Moving quickly, Bur knocked him on his ass. “Don’t touch me, mate,” Bur growled.
“Bur didn’t do this. You did, with your selfishness. You have only been taking from me since Provenza died. It stops today. Leave.” Harper pointed.
The rest of Harper’s family picked up Leroy and sprinted down the walkway. Harper turned on Ramirez.
“And you. Stop fucking acting like I’m a child. I’m an adult. Either be my friend or you can leave too.” Harper turned and went back into the house.
“I take it you’re Gerald. You really need to stop acting like an ass.” Bur smirked.
Ramirez took a step toward him. Tomas held him back.
“Go home, Gerald!” Harper called from inside.
Bur strolled into the house, closing the door. Ramirez growled, shrugging Tomas off. Bernie bit his lip.
“What the fuck?” Ramirez asked.
“You heard Harper. Go home, Ramirez,” Tomas said.
“And leave him alone with him?” Ramirez sneered.
“Do whatever you want,” Tomas said.
He turned and held Bernie’s hand, pulling him down the walk.
“But, we can’t just leave them there.” Bernie looked back at Ramirez standing glaring at the door.
“Let them work it out,” Tomas said.
He held open the truck door. Bernie looked back, then got in the truck. Tomas got into the driver’s side. As Tomas drove away, Bernie worried his lip. A little while later, they pulled up in front of the condo.
“I don’t feel right, leaving Bur there with Ramirez,” Bernie said.
“Your brother can take care of himself,” Tomas said.
Bernie bit his lip. Tomas kissed him. Bernie sighed, gripping his shoulders until Tomas released him.
“How long will it take to pack and move you into our home?”
“Our. I like the sound of that,” Bernie said.
“Me too. Let’s get you packed,” Tomas said.
He got out and came around to Bernie’s door. Tomas opened his door and lifted him out, putting him over his shoulder.
“You’re a little eager to pack.”
“That comes later. Much later.” Tomas closed the door and strode up the walk.
Bernie laughed and bit him on the butt. Tomas yelped, then growled.
“Wait until we’re naked for that,” Tomas purred.
Bernie’s eyes widened, and then he grinned. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”
Chapter Eight
A FOOT pushed under his bent leg. Bernie glanced over at Tomas, sprawled on the couch next to him. The familiar thrill he always got when he looked at Tomas filled him. Since he didn’t have that much furniture and big items at the condo, moving him in to Tomas’s house had been fairly easy. They had packed his stuff, completed the move in less than a day, and by the third week of June, he was living with Tomas. Once he’d moved in, they had worked on melding their lives together. Living under the same roof had taken some adjustments on both of their parts. The last month had been idyllic, and they had gotten to know each other even better. “Did you need something?” Bernie smiled.
“Nope… just sitting here watching TV.” Tomas didn’t remove his gaze from the TV.
Bernie put his laptop on the table. He put his hand on Tomas’s leg. Tomas’s thigh muscle clenched. He walked his fingers up Tomas’s leg. Tomas spread his thighs, sliding one behind Bernie’s back. Moving up, Bernie ran his hands up the front of his jeans. Tomas caught his hands. Bernie raised his gaze. The need was plain on his face and in his eyes.
“Want you. Come here.” Tomas’s voice was raspy.
Tomas pulled him up onto his knees. He pulled down Bernie’s sweats and underwear. Bernie leaned on him, raising his hips as he pushed them off. Kicking them off, he rubbed against Tomas’s clothed body. Tomas tugged him closer.
“In my mouth,” Tomas demanded.
He gripped Bernie’s ass. Bernie rose up, putting one leg on the floor. He unbuttoned his shirt as he gripped his cock and bumped it against Tomas’s lips. Tomas opened them, making an “O.” Reaching the last button, Bernie braced a hand on the top of the couch, shivering. Tomas sucked just the spongy head of his cock. Bernie hissed. Tomas opened wider, suckling. Bernie thrust. Tomas moaned, taking him deeper into the wet cavern of his mouth. Groaning, Bernie clenched his ass, pushing into Tomas’s mouth.
Tomas swirled his tongue on Bernie’s rod. His hands cupped Bernie’s ass, pulling him against his face. Bernie stumbled, catching himself with his other ha
nd. Tomas whimpered and sucked him hard, his fingers clenching, digging into Bernie’s ass. Tomas pulled Bernie forward, going back and forth on him. Bernie stared at his hollowed cheeks and at his face, etched with desire. Tomas raised his gaze. The heat in his eyes made Bernie’s breath catch. Tomas kept his eyes locked with Bernie’s as he sucked him. The sight of those lips on his cock, and the feel of the wetness of Tomas’s mouth, made the base of Bernie’s spine tingle. His balls drew up. Tomas made a noise in his throat, making his shaft vibrate. Bernie arched and grunted as his dick pulsed, releasing cum into Tomas’s hot mouth. Tomas worked his mouth, sucking it all down. Gasping, Bernie gripped the couch.
Tomas’s insistent hands pulled Bernie down against him. He kissed Bernie. Bernie swiped his tongue inside Tomas’s mouth, tasting himself. Tomas moved him off him, then stood. He unbuckled his pants and pushed them off. He kicked them off and stripped off his T-shirt. Tomas maneuvered Bernie against the arm of the chair. Bernie braced his hands on the armrest. A blunt head pushed at his hole. Widening his stance, Bernie hissed at the feel of Tomas filling him. Tomas thrust fast and urgently. Bernie held onto the couch, pushing back against him.
TOMAS WATCHED the flex of Bernie’s back as he pushed onto his cock. Gripping his hips, Tomas jerked him back and forth. Thrusting faster and faster, Tomas pushed his leg under Bernie’s braced on the floor, widening him.
“You like fucking me like this… harder, baby.” Bernie moaned wildly.
Tomas curled his body over Bernie’s back, bracing his hands over Bernie’s. Lacing their fingers together, he pistoned into him. Bernie’s breath hitched and his body shuddered. His ass clamped down onto Tomas’s erection. Tomas groaned and came. Shuddering, he worked his hips as his cum jetted from him into Bernie. Breathing hard, he withdrew and collapsed back on the couch. He tugged Bernie into his arms. Bernie’s back quivered as he leaned against Tomas’s chest. Bernie shifted, straddling his lap. Bernie sighed, resting against him. Tomas closed his eyes, listening to Bernie’s breathing.
“Tomas, you can’t go to sleep. We have to leave for the poker game in an hour,” Bernie whispered.
“I’m not sleeping yet, kid. We can miss it and go to bed,” Tomas replied sleepily.
Bernie poked him in the chest. “Not a kid.”
“Habit, honey.” He grabbed his finger and kissed it, then flattened Bernie’s hand on his chest.
“We can’t miss it. I want to make sure Bur is okay after our session,” Bernie said.
Tomas opened his eyes. Bernie was worrying his lip with his teeth. He ran his hand over Bernie’s naked back. The brothers had started therapy a few weeks ago. Whenever they had a session, Tomas could tell how it went by one or two things. After a good session, Bur came by for a few hours and hung out. After bad or emotional ones, Bur spent the night. They had a room set up for Bur. On those nights, Bur and Bernie slept together. This past Wednesday’s session had seemed to be a bad one. Bur stayed for two days. He and Bernie had been sullen and withdrawn.
“How are you doing?” Tomas asked.
Bernie put his hand on Tomas’s chest, resting his chin on it. His nose wrinkled, and he bit his lip. There was a look of concentration on his face.
“Talking about it is helping. The therapist’s suggestion that we have joint and individual sessions is a good idea. Bur… has a few things he needs to work out himself. And so do I. It’d be easier. It’s just… not being able to find Dillard that’s making us antsy. Bur is frustrated about his investigators not turning up anything. What if he’s dead? If they did something to him? It’d be my fault.” Aggravation colored his voice.
“No, it wouldn’t. It’d be theirs,” Tomas said firmly.
“I know… that’s what the therapist said. I have to acknowledge that nothing that happened is my fault. I’m trying to see that… but… sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had just said something.” Bernie’s shoulders slumped.
Tomas rubbed his back. Tension slowly eased out of Bernie’s body.
“Sorry for dumping this on you.”
“Stop that. This is why I’m here. We’re a couple. So if you need to talk, cry, or scream, I’m here,” Tomas said.
“I know. And I’m here if you need someone to hold your hand when you go to the doctor for your yearly physical. And you are going. No more canceling.” Bernie narrowed his eyes.
“Alejandro is a blabbermouth. And I do plan on going. Eventually.” Tomas grinned sheepishly.
“I made an appointment for Monday.”
Tomas opened his mouth.
“And I had Sheldon shuffle your schedule, so the excuse that you’re working won’t work,” Bernie warned.
Tomas closed his mouth and pursed his lips. He tried to come up with an excuse. Finally, he sighed.
“There is no escape from the appointment. I’m taking you.” Bernie smirked, then patted his cheek.
“That’s not necessary. I know you’re busy working with Bur to get things organized for the center. I’ll go by myself,” Tomas protested.
“I’ve already talked with Bur. He’ll take the meeting while I take you to the doctor, which I’m glad for. We’ve been bogged down in all the red tape and crap to get up and running. Hopefully, we can break ground for the center soon.” Bernie frowned.
Bernie and Bur had been working hard to get everything together to get the center started. Bernie had been juggling that with taking special exams to get his master’s degree and PhD in science. When they had tested him, what Bernie believed had been proven true. His IQ was genius level, and he could read any size book in mere minutes and remember each word. When he had talked with the dean of students at Mapson University, they had agreed to give him an accelerated degree if he could complete all the course work and dissertation. Unbeknownst to any of them, Bernie had already done his thesis and was ahead in his master’s courses for his degree program. For some time, Bernie had been working on the other courses he hadn’t taken yet for his master’s. He’d provided his dissertation and worked hard with the committee through the process of getting it ready for submission. It had taken many late nights and hard work, but in a few weeks, Bernie had finished the rest of the course work and was just waiting for the actual finals as well as waiting to hear back on the submission of his thesis. There was no doubt in Tomas’s mind he would pass, and thus get his degrees in August.
“You will, honey.”
“And we will be taking you to the doctor for your physical on Monday,” Bernie stated.
“Okay, kid.” Tomas pouted.
“Not a kid. Come on. We need to get ready for the game.” Bernie got off his lap and stood.
He held out his hand for Tomas. Tomas took it, standing. They went up the stairs to their bedroom. As he dressed, Tomas chuckled at Bernie, who stumbled getting into his pants. Bernie grabbed a baggy shirt from their closet and shrugged into it. He pulled out another and came over to Tomas. Bernie held open the shirt. Tomas turned and Bernie helped him into it. Bernie smoothed it over his shoulders, then turned Tomas to face him. He buttoned it. Bernie ran his finger down the center of Tomas’s throat. Tomas held his finger.
“Stop it, or we won’t make it to poker,” Tomas warned.
“Stop what?” Bernie gave him an innocent look.
“Trouble.” Tomas nipped his finger, then released it.
Bernie laughed. They finished dressing and left. Tomas escorted Bernie with his palm against the small of his back through the door of Miguel and Robert’s house. They had barely cleared the doorway before they were accosted.
“Did you read the latest J. D. Robb?” Malik demanded.
“Yep. Took me ten minutes to read it. Tomas kept distracting me.” Bernie smirked.
“Ten minutes. You know I hate you for being able to read that fast. But I’ll like you again if you tell Harper he’s wrong. We need your memory for details. I don’t trust Bur not to side with Harper. You remember that scene….” Malik’s voice faded as he pulled Bernie with him.<
br />
“Hello to you too, Malik!” Tomas called.
Malik flapped his hand as he continued to pull Bernie over to the group that included Harper, Robert, Simon, Alex, and Bur. They joined the circle of men and started talking heatedly. Tomas rolled his eyes and went over to get a beer. Grabbing one, he leaned against the wall by Alejandro, Miguel, and Hector. He drank some of his beer.
“Look at the little fucker, acting like he owns Harper,” Ramirez growled as he came and stood beside him.
“I don’t want to hear it,” Tomas retorted.
“Just because he’s some supposed star”—Ramirez sneered—“doesn’t mean he can act like he’s Mr. Know-It-All.”
“Yeah. That’s your job,” Tomas said dryly.
“I don’t know why you’ve all just seemed to accept him. Just because he’s Bernie’s brother doesn’t mean shit. He isn’t much of anything since he retired. Who the hell retires at twenty-four?” Ramirez hissed.
“I’m tired of hearing you whine about Bur. He’s staying with Harper. If you have an issue, take it up with Harper or Bur,” Tomas said impatiently.
“I can’t talk to either one of them. Harper is unreasonable when I say anything. And Bur gets that little arrogant smirk that makes me want to punch him,” Ramirez snarled.
“Did I hear my name? Hey, Gerald.” Bur’s cool British accent sounded cheerful.
Ramirez glared, then stomped away. Bur snickered. Tomas raised his bottle and drank some more.
“Can I talk to you?” Bur asked.
Something in his tone made Tomas uneasy. “Sure.”
Tomas led the way as they went through the kitchen and onto the back patio. He leaned against the rail. Bur stood with his booted feet braced apart.
“I’ve found Dillard. Well, more like he’s found me. Some woman called and said he wanted to see me and Bernie,” Bur said.
“When Miguel was told to back off, he got a call from a woman too. When and where does he want to meet you?” Tomas frowned.
“Tomorrow morning at ten. Don’t know the address yet. She said she’d be back in touch with the address. Can you take us?” Bur asked.