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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 10

  “Do you want to go to the hospital, querido?”

  “Huh?” He looked confused.

  “If we eat this, that’s where we’ll be, having our stomach’s pumped.” He glanced at the plate again and winced. “Hell, probably having to get medicine for some sort of weird virus or something.”

  Robert unfolded his arms, looked at the plate, then back at Miguel.

  “It looks sort of nasty.” He bit his lip.

  Miguel raised an eyebrow and looked at Robert.

  “Okay, it is nasty. But I swear I followed the recipe. I don’t know what happened.” Robert chuckled.

  “No more cooking without me here.” Miguel kissed him.

  “Most men would have at least tried it to spare my feelings.” Robert pouted.

  Miguel made a rude noise. “That only happens in the movies and books, querido. They show you the poor sap eating the food that he knows will make him ill. Yet do they ever show the aftermath? The stomach pumping and diarrhea? Nope. How realistic is that?”

  “Thanks for bringing me back to reality, baby.” Robert laughed.

  “Anytime, querido. Anytime. Now, let’s get this out of here.” Miguel went over and dumped it in the garbage.

  He glanced back at the wrecked kitchen. Robert looked guilty. Miguel went over to him and cupped his cheek, kissing him.

  “It’s okay, querido. We’ll dump all the pots and pans. I don’t even want to think of cleaning them. We’ll buy some new ones.”

  “Okay,” Robert agreed.

  He pulled out a garbage bag. They started cleaning the kitchen. Miguel grimaced as he put the pans and pots in the bags. They cleaned the floor, the counters, and everything else. He took the bags outside. Robert helped him. He took the last bags and put them in the trash. He fixed them while Robert went inside. When Miguel went back inside, he didn’t see Robert in the kitchen, so he went down the hall. Reaching the living room, he walked up behind him and put his arms around him. He grimaced at the mush on his hands, but didn’t pull away. He noticed that Robert had placed his photos on the mantle, mixing them with Miguel’s. Studying the pictures, he saw how Robert had looked as a young child, teenager, man, when he got his degree, and how he looked today.

  “Why aren’t there any pictures of your parents or brothers?” Miguel queried.

  “They steal them.”

  “Steal them?”

  “No matter how many pictures I take, if they include my brothers, they somehow mysteriously disappear. I’ve hidden them in so many places. But they always find them, even those on the computer. Only my parents have pictures of them. And only because Dad threatened them.” Robert let out a huff.

  “They don’t like their picture taken, huh?” Miguel said.

  “They all claim they don’t have a problem. Yet when I take the picture, it disappears. I can’t prove which of them it is, but I believe it’s Lawrence or Aristotle.”

  “Well, when I meet them, take a picture, then tell them your big, bad, cop of a boyfriend doesn’t take kindly to thievery, and that they better not break into our house. We’ll get you pictures of your brothers,” Miguel promised.

  “Aw, you’re going to go all big bad on them.” Robert gave him a mushy look. A devilish twinkle entered his eyes. “I’d meet them before you say that. They can be kind of scary.”

  “Please, baby. I’ve dealt with many scary people in my own family, so it’ll be okay.”

  “If you say so.”

  Miguel could tell Robert didn’t believe him. Something about the way he looked made Miguel uneasy.

  “I ordered pizza. It should be here in about an hour. What shall we do until then?” Robert asked.

  Miguel recognized that look in his eyes. Playing innocent, he replied, “You’re going to have a shower to clean your cooking experiment off you.”

  “And what are you planning to do?” Robert asked.

  “It is my duty to make sure that each part of you can pass inspection. The lick test.”

  “Oh, Officer. Lick me.” Robert laughed.

  Miguel turned him and lifted him up. Robert wrapped his legs around his waist. Miguel turned and walked out of the living room.

  “After the shower, querido,” Miguel promised.

  “Will you frisk me?”

  Miguel gave him a look. “If you’ll dress up as a cowboy with chaps, and suck me off.”

  Robert’s eyes widened, then heated. “Kinky.”

  Miguel refused to be embarrassed.

  “Wonder where I can get chaps?”

  Miguel’s cock went rock hard. Robert smiled, then snuggled into his arms. Miguel held his querido and went up the stairs.

  MIGUEL STIFLED a smile. Robert shifted again in the seat beside him. He drummed his fingers on his thigh. Taking one hand off the wheel, he put it over Robert’s. Lacing his fingers with Miguel’s, Robert looked over at him.

  “Calm down, querido,” Miguel said.

  “I’m calm,” Robert defended.

  Miguel didn’t call him a liar. Instead, he said, “I have to stop by the station.”

  Robert nodded, not saying a word. Miguel released his hand and continued to drive. In a few minutes, he pulled into a spot at the station. He turned off the car.

  “Come on in with me.”

  It told Miguel a lot about his nervousness that Robert didn’t ask any questions, just got out. Miguel got out, then went around the hood to meet him. He walked with his hands in his pockets. Robert followed him silently. He opened the door, holding it for Robert. Miguel nodded at the desk sergeant. He used the stairs instead of the elevator to go to the second floor. Robert followed without a word.

  “Rodriguez and Robin,” Ramirez called.

  He came over to them. Provenza came too.

  “Hey, guys. Glad you could come by,” Provenza said.

  Miguel nodded to the other officers crowding around them. He introduced them to Robert. They shook his hand and chatted. They drifted through the squad room. Provenza and Ramirez walked with them.

  “Come see pictures of my baby, Robin. I have you to thank for it, after all,” Ramirez said.

  Frowning, Miguel turned and watched them head over to Ramirez’s desk.

  “What’s he talking about?” Miguel asked Provenza.

  “His new big screen TV,” Provenza replied.

  “Oh, shit.” Miguel hurried over to Ramirez.

  “It’s huge. How am I ever going to thank you?” Ramirez asked.

  “Thank me for—” Robert began.

  “Come on, querido. I want you to meet the Cap so we can get going.” Miguel cut Ramirez off.

  Robert glanced at him and walked to him.

  “He’s this way,” Provenza gestured.

  Robert walked toward Provenza, and Miguel cuffed Ramirez on the back of the head.

  “Fuck, Rodriguez. What’s that for?” Ramirez rubbed the spot.

  “Don’t tell him about the bet, you ass wipe,” Miguel growled.

  “Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t. What’s it worth?” Ramirez grinned.

  “I know your secrets,” Miguel warned.

  “Meanie. Fine, I won’t say anything.” Ramirez pouted.

  Miguel shoved him, then went after Robert and Provenza. Catching up, he knocked on his captain’s door.

  “Come in.”

  He opened the door. “Cap, you have a sec?”

  “Sure. Come in, Rodriguez. Is this Dr. Berkus? Nice to meet you.”

  “Yes, this is him.”

  The captain came around the desk and shook Robert’s hand. He listened as Robert and the captain talked.

  “Call me Robert.”

  “And I’m Gibbs. My wife Abby wants to meet you. She wants to thank you,” Cap said.

  “For what?” Robert asked.

  “Sorry, Cap. We’ve got to go,” Miguel said.

  The Captain gave him a look, and he subsided. He turned back to Robert.

  “She wants to thank you for making Rodriguez so happy. Nice meeting y
ou, Robert.” The captain shook his hand.

  Miguel breathed a silent sigh. He shook the captain’s hand, and then they headed out. Robert didn’t say anything, just waved at the officers he had met. When they were in the car and on their way, he spoke.

  “That was the strangest thing.”


  “Well, even though you should have warned me you wanted me to meet your co-workers, I can understand why you didn’t. I’m already nervous about meeting your family.” Robert smiled ruefully, then continued. “But your co-workers all seemed nice enough. They said it was great meeting me, yet some of them commented they wished I had held out longer, while others said they were happy for us but wished they hadn’t picked the wrong side. I’m not sure what they meant.” Robert had a bemused expression.

  Miguel was not about to enlighten him. “They have a weird sense of humor.”

  Robert looked skeptical.

  “At least it got your mind off meeting the family.”

  “Yeah.” The pinched look was back on Robert’s face.

  “I don’t know why you’re so nervous. You’ve meet many of them already,” Miguel pointed out.

  “Yeah, some of your brothers, sisters, and cousins. But not all of them. Not your parents.” Robert grimaced.

  “Parents, or do you mean Mami?”

  Robert didn’t say anything, just hunched his shoulders. Miguel kept glancing at him in concern as they drove. Reaching their destination, he pulled into a space. He turned off the engine, then turned to face Robert. He took his hand. Robert’s hand was cold. Miguel smiled gently.

  “Querido, Mami will love you. She is a very welcoming person.”

  “Oh, God. From the way you all talk about her, you made me think you all respect her but were afraid of her too. I’m so glad she isn’t scary.” Robert was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but hesitated when he saw the look on Miguel’s face.

  “Ummm… querido. About that. Mami… well, she is what she is. You’ll know within moments how she feels about you. She doesn’t pull any punches. She’s blunt. Really blunt,” Miguel cautioned.

  Robert went pale, then pulled his hand away. “I’m not going in.”

  “It doesn’t matter, querido. Regardless of what she feels, I’m with you. This is about us and no one else. Okay?” Miguel grabbed Robert’s hand, then cupped his cheek.

  Robert studied him a while, then turned his head and kissed Miguel’s palm. He took a breath, then met his eyes.

  “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Miguel got out of the car. He waited for Robert to come meet him. They walked to the front door. The noise from inside spilled outside. Miguel opened the screen door. Taking Robert’s hand, he squeezed it, and then they went in. He hoped Robert was ready to meet Mami.

  AM I ready to meet Mami? You can do this, Robert. She is one woman. No matter what, Miguel says it’s about us.

  Shaking, he let Miguel lead him through the house. He waved at the people he knew. Miguel didn’t stop to introduce him to anyone in the full room. There were people that he knew were related to Miguel as well as friends that were like family. He spotted Bernie with Tomas. Bernie waved shyly. Robert returned it. Miguel continued on. They entered the noisy kitchen. As soon as they entered, it went quiet. Robert watched as the people in front of him looked him over, and then they parted. Miguel continued on. Then he stopped, putting his hand on the small of Robert’s back. Robert gulped and stared at Mami. The tiny, plain-looking woman studied him intently, not saying a word as she did. Robert held still. Suddenly, she smiled, and he changed his opinion. She became breathtaking. There was an impish look in her eyes, and the smile softened her.

  “Come closer, mi hijo.”

  Miguel pushed him forward. Robert went to her. She held out her hands. He took them in his. She pulled him to her, kissing him on each cheek.

  “He is a guap, Miguel. You picked well.”

  Robert blushed.

  She cupped his cheek. “He’s ruborizado. Too cute. Come, come.” She pulled him with her to the stove. “Can you cook?”

  “No,” Miguel said behind them.

  Robert glared at him. Miguel was unrepentant. Robert turned back to Miguel’s mother.

  “No, Mrs. Rodriguez,” he admitted.

  “Tsk. Call me Mami. Come, I will teach you. You are doctor. Scientist, as Miguel said. It is like science. We have to teach you so you can feed mi bebé.”

  At her words, the noise increased.

  “I’m not a baby,” Miguel protested.

  “Hush, you. You are mi bebé. Go away, while I teach your hombre to cook so he doesn’t make you enfermo. I don’t want to be going to the hospital. Shoo.” She glared behind him.

  Miguel kissed him on the cheek, then Robert heard him leave.

  “He told you.” Robert blushed.

  “Of course. It was gracioso. I wish Miguel had taken pictures.” She patted his cheek. “Now, mi hijo, let’s begin your first lesson.”

  Her tone brooked no argument. Robert listened as Mami gave him his first cooking lesson.

  HOURS LATER, he and Miguel stood at the door, taking their leave.

  “Wait, mi hijo, this is for you.” Mami handed what she held to him.

  Robert looked down at the cover that stated “Rodriguez Family Recipes.”

  “Soon you will add yours to the family book. As soon as we teach you to cook,” Mami said, kissing his cheek.

  “Thanks, Mami.” Robert clutched the book to his chest. “Papi.” The quiet man next to her nodded his head and patted Robert’s shoulder.

  “Don’t forget, mi hijo. I’ll be by on Thursday to give you another lesson,” Mami promised.

  He nodded, and Miguel led him out. A few moments later, they were in the car and on their way home. Robert smoothed his hands over the book in his lap.

  Miguel broke the silence. “See, that wasn’t so bad.”

  “It wasn’t. I’m glad they liked me. Heck, I’m glad Mami liked me.”

  “There was never any doubt.” Miguel was confident.

  “How did you know she would?” Robert looked at Miguel’s strong profile

  “I have good judgment.” He shrugged.

  There was an infallible surety and calm in his tone that made Miguel who he was.

  “Besides, she knows I love you.” Miguel’s tone was matter-of-fact.

  Robert’s eyes widened. “You love me.”

  “Of course, querido.” Miguel said in that same unruffled voice.

  Robert leaned back on the car seat, his heart racing. Miguel drove silently. He stopped the car. Robert started, realizing they were in front of the house. He got out, waited, then followed Miguel to the door. They went inside. Robert went to the kitchen and put down the recipe book. He turned, and Miguel was waiting for him, leaning against the open door. Robert went over to him. Those warm, brown eyes were steady and sure.

  “I love you, Miguel.”

  “I know, querido. I know.”

  “Pick me up, mi amante, and take me to bed,” Robert said.

  Miguel lifted Robert in his strong arms. Robert locked his legs around him. Miguel followed his direction and took him to bed. Once Miguel put him down, Robert undressed Miguel gently, then pushed him back onto the bed. Miguel lay back and watched him, playing with his hardened shaft. Robert undressed, then climbed into the bed next to him.

  Watching his eyes, Robert stroked his hand firmly down Miguel’s cock. It was hot, silken steel against his fingers. His eyes went unfocused. Miguel’s breath hissed out from between clenched teeth. Holding him, Robert felt him swell even more. Slowly, he touched him, stroking his hand on all that lovely butterscotch-colored skin. He leaned in and kissed Miguel. Laying his lips on his, Robert tasted him. Miguel’s lips were soft under his. Licking along the line of them, Robert delved inside, stroking his tongue against Miguel’s. He shifted, straddling him. He laid his body against Miguel’s heated length. Robert gasped as Miguel’s cock settled between his thighs, pre
ssing against his own straining erection. Miguel made a guttural sound, making his tongue vibrate. Robert’s cock jerked in reaction. Groaning, he sank his hands into Miguel’s hair. Gripping it firmly, Robert held him still, eating at his mouth. A fire filled his lower belly, making his skin burn. Sliding his hands deeper into Miguel’s hair, Robert brought his body even closer to Miguel’s. Swirling his tongue against Miguel’s, Robert bit down gently, and Miguel jumped. Stroking it, he hummed, and then mated his tongue with Miguel’s slowly. Murmuring, Robert sucked on his mouth harder.

  A shudder started from within his soul, spreading outward until his whole body shook. Still gripping Miguel’s hair, Robert closed his eyes and ravished his lips. Miguel’s growl set off another flood of need. Opening his eyes, he looked at Miguel. Reaching next to him, he pulled out the lube. He quickly prepared himself, and then, raising slightly, Robert shifted and sank onto Miguel’s cock with a slow, deliberate motion. Miguel’s neck bowed as he groaned. Clenching his ass around Miguel’s hard shaft, Robert enjoyed the feel of it inside him. It stretched him to overflowing. Dropping his head back, Robert pushed down and down until all of Miguel was inside him. He moaned at the feel of it. Miguel’s hands cupped Robert’s ass, pulling and holding him against his hard cock.

  “Robert!” Miguel’s voice echoed in the room.

  A fierce smile curled Robert’s lips at the sound. Looking Miguel in the eyes, Robert rocked forward again, and a groan ripped from inside of Miguel as Robert undulated around his cock. The sound broke his control. Robert rocked back and forward in a fast motion, riding Miguel hard and fast. Miguel’s fingers tightened on his ass, jerking Robert back and forth. Dropping his face back to Miguel, Robert kissed him. Miguel’s lips sealed over Robert’s, and his arms locked around him, pinning Robert tight against him. At each up and down stroke of his body, Robert felt all of Miguel’s delicious muscles rubbing against him. The friction created a heat that shot through him, right to his cock. The feel of Miguel’s body in his, and the scrape of Miguel’s cock as it buried deep in him was overwhelming.

  Miguel murmured, bucking his hips, then undulated them in a motion that made the breath stall in Robert’s lungs. The movement touched all his hidden places, setting off a firestorm of pleasure. Miguel increased his motion, hitting Robert’s prostate over and over again. Miguel’s fingers clamped fiercely on Robert’s ass, pushing him up and down on his cock. Robert gasped.