Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 9
“Ohh…. So… u… hhh… ggg.”
The swirl of Miguel’s tongue in his crease made Robert’s legs clench and relax. Robert gripped his shoulder, pushing down to get closer to his tongue. Miguel licked and sucked him. Robert gasped at the burn of Miguel’s fingers pushing into him. Miguel sawed his fingers inside, stretching him. He stopped, then the blunt tip of his cock pressed against Robert’s hole. Robert moaned at the cool touch, realizing he had some lube on his cock. Miguel pushed into him. Robert pressed down, taking him in. The touch of Miguel’s bare skin against his own scorched his inner walls.
“Mi amante,” Robert moaned.
Miguel growled, then started to move, slow and steady. The pace drove Robert into a frenzy. He gripped Miguel’s shoulder as Miguel stroked in and out of him. Biting his lip, Robert tilted his head back, moaning wildly. It seemed like they were moving together forever, but it was only moments before his balls tightened and his cock became harder. Robert jerked as his release washed over him. Miguel roared as his hot come flooded inside of Robert. Robert dug his nails into Miguel’s skin. Miguel collapsed against Robert, breathing hard. Robert held him tight, gasping.
Finally able to speak, he croaked, “If that’s tired, I can’t wait to see what rested is like.”
“Give me a sec,” Miguel wheezed.
Robert cuddled him.
ROBERT MOVED the bowl back to the center of the table. He stepped back, then picked it up and shifted it to the side table. Stepping back again, he studied it.
“What are you doing, querido?”
He jumped at the sound of Miguel’s voice. Turning to face him, he smiled sheepishly.
“Just making sure everything is okay.”
“Querido, it’s just our regular poker night. Why are you so nervous?” Miguel gave him a patient look.
“It’s the first time we’re hosting as a couple,” Robert pointed out.
“So?” Miguel looked befuddled.
Robert chuckled, then kissed him.
“Ah, Christ. Is that all you two do?” Tomas asked.
Robert glanced to the hall. Tomas stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips.
“As often as we can,” Robert replied.
“Keep hydrated.” Tomas laughed, then winked.
Robert stuck out his tongue.
“You’re pointing that at the wrong brother,” Tomas said.
He walked in. More of the poker crew came in. Before long, the men he had come to know were in the room. They were laughing and teasing each other.
“Rob?” Bernie’s tone was tentative.
Robert turned to see the lanky man in the hallway. He went over to him.
“The door was open,” Bernie said.
“That’s okay. It usually is on poker day. Come in and meet the others.” Robert motioned him in.
He introduced Bernie around. Leaving him, he went to check on the snacks. Returning with some more food and drinks, he put them on one of the side tables.
“So, have you figured out who’s gay yet?” Alex asked.
Robert turned, shocked at the sound of his voice. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.” He took a breath to calm his racing heart. “And no.”
“Aren’t you curious?”
“Yes, but I don’t know how to find out.”
“Just ask, Robin.”
“I can’t just ask that,” Robert hissed.
Alex looked thoughtful.
“And you can’t either.”
“Okay.” Alex shrugged, looking around the room. “Ah… I see Bernie made it. What’s up with Tomas?”
“What do you mean?” Robert glanced over at Tomas.
He was teasing Bernie. Bernie’s face was red, and his eyes lowered. Robert frowned, then motioned to Miguel. Miguel came to him.
“What’s up?”
“So who here is queer?” Alex’s question cut him off.
Robert glanced at Alex and swatted him.
“Come on, with a show of hands.” Alex grinned back, unrepentant.
“Alex,” Robert hissed
“Interesting. That wasn’t so hard. There you go. We know who is straight and queer,” Alex said smugly.
Robert glanced back at the room. He was shocked to see so many raised hands.
“You forgot a category,” Hector called.
Alex frowned. “What?”
Robert glanced at Miguel, who grinned back. He returned his attention to Alex.
“Bi,” Robert stated.
“Ah.” Alex nodded.
Some other hands went up. Robert noted them and was curious, but he held off asking anything. It wasn’t his place.
“You didn’t raise your hand, Bernie. So what, ya straight? ” Tomas asked.
“Stop him from picking on Bernie,” Robert told Miguel.
“He’s just teasing him. It’s good-natured. You’ve been talking about Bernie so much. They’re all curious about him. Tomas isn’t being any different than usual.”
“I’m gay,” Bernie said softly.
“So why didn’t you raise your hand?” Tomas asked.
Bernie was red in the face and said nothing.
“Now,” Robert stated firmly.
“Okay, Tomas.”
Tomas looked at them and came over to Miguel. They walked into the kitchen. Robert watched Bernie seem to relax. Tomas came back into the room. He had a smile on his face. Robert glanced at Miguel as he joined him and Alex.
“I took care of it, querido.”
Robert nodded, then looked back at the men. Tomas was standing next to Bernie. The smile on his face made Robert uneasy.
“So, Bernie, you can’t take a little ribbing, huh?” Tomas asked.
Robert started over to him.
“Wait.” Miguel grabbed his arm.
Robert stopped and watched them. Bernie studied Tomas really hard for a long while. Tomas continued to smile that arrogant smirk.
“Why’re you watching me like that?” Tomas asked.
“I’m trying to come up with the right formula to paralyze your vocal chords so you can shut up,” Bernie answered with no hesitation.
The room went silent, and then people started laughing. Robert breathed a sigh of relief and started to chuckle.
“When you do, let us know. We’ve been trying to shut him up for years.” Hector laughed, slapping Bernie on the back.
“Good one, kid,” Tomas said, putting out his hand.
“I’m not a kid,” Bernie replied, shaking his hand.
“Come on, kid. Let’s play some poker,” Tomas said, slapping Bernie on the shoulder.
The men started to sit around the table. Alex went over and started to shuffle.
“Come on, querido,” Miguel urged.
Robert smiled, took his hand, and went to join them.
“THAT’S THE last of it,” Miguel said.
Robert put down the last glass he was washing. He dried his hands and turned to Miguel. He walked to meet him in the doorway. Clicking off the light, they went down the hall, then upstairs. In the bedroom, Robert started to get ready for his shower.
“It went well.”
“I can’t believe Tomas insisted on helping out with Bernie moving into the condo tomorrow. Heck, all of them, for that matter.”
“That’s just the way Tomas is. He likes to help. The others will help because they like Bernie. He’s a nice kid.”
Robert frowned. “Yeah, but I’m worried.”
“You said that before, querido. Why? Is he in trouble?”
“No. He just doesn’t have that much, money-wise. He made a comment about not being able to eat when he talked about moving. I wonder how true that is. I’m only taking rent from him because he insisted. Also, I found out yesterday he doesn’t have any furniture to move. Not even a bed. What he told Tomas about just having lots of books and some clothing is true. I want to help him, but I don’t want to trample on his pride.” Robert turned
to face Miguel.
“What about his family?” Miguel had a frown on his face.
“I’ve asked, and he doesn’t have any.” Robert went over to Miguel and touched his cheek. “I’ll figure out a way to help him. Let’s go shower.”
“You go ahead. I’ll be in in a minute,” Miguel said.
Robert kissed him again and went to the shower. He stepped under the spray. He washed. When Miguel didn’t come after a while, he got out and dried off. Going back into the bedroom, he saw Miguel was on the phone. He went to get something to put on.
“Yes, get the truck and get it from Mami. Then meet us here to go. Okay. Speak to you tomorrow.” Miguel hung up.
“Who was that?” Robert asked.
“Tomas. He’s going to bring the truck tomorrow to move Bernie.”
“I don’t think we’ll need a truck.”
“Yes we will.”
“Wh….” Robert trailed off as he turned to face Miguel.
His train of thought got derailed as he watched Miguel strip off his clothing.
“After my shower.” Miguel smiled.
Robert cleared his suddenly dry throat and went back to the conversation. “We shouldn’t need a truck.”
“We need it for the furniture.”
“Bernie doesn’t have any.”
“He does now.”
“I called Mami and Papi and asked for the extra furniture. It’s the works—a living room set up, office set, dining table, chairs, cabinet, and bedroom set. We don’t have a bed or TV, and I was going to buy them but Tomas said he’s buying them.” Miguel walked toward Robert.
“Bernie won’t accept it,” Robert pointed out.
“Sure he will. Tomas has a way of convincing people. He’s going to make it believable that they were going to be dumped. Tomas is also going to get him some groceries, and make sure he always has some. He’s going to tell Bernie he can’t cook, so he needs someone to cook for him.”
“I thought Tomas could cook.”
“He can, but we won’t let Bernie know that. Tomas is going for the woe-is-me-hungry-man who-can’t-boil-water act.” Miguel stopped in front of Robert.
Thinking of Tomas, Robert didn’t think he could pull that off.
“Trust me, querido. Tomas will make him believe it. He comes across as gruff and a prick sometimes, but he has this mother-hen thing going on. Once he found out Bernie needed help, he went into his help mode. Nothing, not even Bernie, will stop him.”
“Why are you doing this?” Robert’s mouth fell open.
“It’s the right thing to do. We’re together. You mentioned Bernie doesn’t have any family, but he does. He has you. And since he is family to you, he is my family too. Hell, even Alex. It’s all for you, querido.” He said it so matter-of-factly.
“Thank you.” Robert didn’t even know what else to say.
“De nada.” Miguel kissed him, then went into the bathroom.
Robert followed him and leaned against the open bathroom door. Miguel got in the shower. As his thoughts raced, Robert tried to process what Miguel had set up. His words: “It’s the right thing to do” resonating along with: “It’s all for you.” This wonderful man had done all this because it was right, and for Robert. He stripped, went to the shower, and stepped inside. Miguel looked at him, the water slicing off his body.
“Didn’t you shower already, querido?”
“Yes, but I want to with you.” He soaped Miguel up. “You are such a wonderful man, Miguel. Thanks for being you.”
“Say that to Mami, and she’ll love you for life.” Miguel hugged him.
“When I meet her, I will,” Robert promised.
“You’ll get your chance next Sunday,” Miguel said.
“What… why…?” Robert stared.
“Family dinner night. Next Sunday.”
Nervousness filled him. “I don’t have to go, do I?”
“Unless you’re bleeding, dying, or have to work, you can’t miss family dinner. Hell, even those won’t excuse you from this night.” Miguel’s look was pitying.
Robert gulped. Miguel hugged him, then kissed his cheek.
“Come on, querido. It’s family. You’re family now.”
He knew Miguel meant it to comfort, but instead, it filled him with dread. It wasn’t the thought of meeting his family. It was meeting his, as Miguel called her, Mami. From the way Miguel and his brothers talked about her, he thought she was at least six feet tall and a force to be reckoned with. There was love in their tones when they spoke, but such respect, and even a little fear. He wondered if she would like him.
“It’ll be fine, querido.”
That’s easy for you to say, Robert thought.
THREE DAYS to meeting his family. As the words resonated in his mind, Robert tried to focus on the papers in front of him. The words were a blur. He put down the paper and sat back in his chair.
“He wants me to meet his family.” Saying the words out loud didn’t make it any easier.
“You’re going. Good. At least I’ll know someone,” Bernie said.
Robert glanced at him. “You’ll be there too?”
“Yes. Tomas said it was mandatory, or he’ll send his Mami after me.” Bernie blushed and nodded.
Robert chuckled, even though his stomach clenched. He studied Bernie. With a start, Robert realized he hadn’t even checked in with him since they moved him in to his old condo a few days ago. Everything had gone as Miguel and Tomas planned. Bernie looked as if he was doing okay.
“How are things going with cooking for Tomas?”
“Okay. I asked him what he likes to eat. He brought me a homemade recipe book with the family recipes. So I’ve been making some Spanish dishes,” Bernie said.
“Really? Is it hard?”
“Not at all. It’s fun. Wait a sec.” Bernie rushed over to his backpack.
He pulled out a book. Coming back to Robert, he showed him. Robert looked at the cover, which stated “Rodriguez Family Recipes.” Bernie opened it and started to show him the different recipes he had tried. He was animated, and it sounded like fun.
“Which is the easiest?”
Bernie pointed one out to him.
“Can I make a copy? I want to make Miguel dinner,” Robert said.
He took the book to the copier. Bernie followed him.
“I didn’t know you could cook.”
“I can heat up. But it’s just another sort of science. How hard can it be?”
Bernie looked skeptical. Robert ignored him and finished making his copies. He handed the book back to Bernie. Robert read the recipe again. He went back to his desk and put away his paper. Grabbing his case, he clutched the recipe.
“I’m leaving. I don’t know what Miguel has at home. I’m going to stop at the supermarket to get these ingredients. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Rob. Um… do you want me to come help?”
“Nah… I’ve got it.”
“Okay.” He sounded unsure.
Robert ignored him again and left. After a trip to the supermarket, Robert stumbled into the front door of the house. Going into the kitchen, he set his bag down. Taking a breath, he unpacked his bag of groceries, then took out the recipe, placing it on the island. He read the first line of the recipe.
“Dice. What the hell does that mean?” Frowning, he went and got his laptop.
After it was on, he did a quick search on it, then nodded. Taking his laptop with him, he went back to the kitchen. He put it down on the table close to his things. He stepped back, then rolled his head, releasing the tension in his neck.
Looking at the ingredients, then back at the recipe, he felt some trepidation. He pushed it aside.
“Get to it, Robert. This can’t be that hard. You’re a scientist. This is just another form of science.”
With determination, he started cooking.
Chapter Six
MIGUEL OPENED the door and swallowed th
e urge to gag.
“What the hell is that smell?” he asked.
“Miguel, is that you?” Robert called.
Miguel followed the sound of Robert’s voice to the kitchen, stopping in the doorway. He blinked once, then again. In disbelief, he studied the kitchen. Each surface was filled with pots and pans. He didn’t even remember having that many. They all looked dirty. Some looked burnt. The floor around the stove and island had food all over it. Finally, he gave his attention to Robert, who was standing in front of the island with a proud smile on his face. His hair was disheveled, and his clothing had splatters of some sort of muck. He held a plate with something on it in his hand. Miguel held his breath as he went closer. On the plate was the nastiest looking thing he had ever seen. He couldn’t even begin to describe it as food.
He released his breath and immediately mumbled, “Urk.”
“I made you dinner.” The pride on Robert’s face was in his voice.
“I see that, querido.” Miguel took the plate from him.
“I followed the recipe, but I did make a bit of a mess.” Robert grinned sheepishly.
“What recipe, querido?” He would make sure to burn it, and bury the ashes.
“Bernie gave it to me from your family recipe book.”
Miguel looked at the congealing, jiggling blob on the plate before him. There was nothing like this in the family recipe book. A sound made him look up. Robert was rummaging in a drawer. He hurried back to Miguel.
“Come on, baby. Taste it.” Robert held out a fork to him.
“Hell, no,” Miguel replied.
Robert looked crestfallen, then pissed. “See if I make you dinner again.”
“I’d thank God if you didn’t,” Miguel retorted.
Robert crossed his arms over his chest and started to tap his foot. Miguel knew he had to make Robert see that combining him and cooking was a bad idea, or he’d kill them both.